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ALU Series Aluminum Balltop: Light Blue

$7.25 (USD)
2.06 Ounces
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  • Product Description

    The KDiT ALU balltop offers the same attractive anodized aluminum finish of our ALU battops into the popular Japanese style balltop.  The ALU balltop is a bit heavier than the plastic or glass equivalent. You can bundle your order with  a 2lb Tension Spring for Sanwa JLF to manage the extra weight if desired.

    Matches JLF-ALU Shaft Dustwasher Set

    Every color of the KDiT ALU series balltop has the equivalent color of our JLF-ALU Shaft and Dustwasher set.

    Compatible with Sanwa and Seimitsu joysticks

    This balltop fits the Sanwa and Seimitsu line of joysticks that accept 35mm.  That includes our common line of Sanwa JLF joysticks, such as the Sanwa JLF-TP-8YT JoystickSanwa JLF-TRG-8YTH.SK Silent Microswitch Joystick, and Seimitsu joysticks.  Note that Seimitsu joysticks have a heavier spring.

  • Product Reviews


    Write A Review

    1. Excellent feel, dark color

      A lot like the dustwasher set, the feel is great on this ball top, but the color is a bit darker than shown. Also, the ball top is a bit heavier, and slightly slows down the speed it snaps back to neutral, so a heavier spring is something you might want to invest in with this. on Dec 9th 2020

    2. Feels "different", not slow

      Added this to my stick with concern about the weight but after playing with it for a few days it feels absolutely fine. It definitely changes the feel but not in a way that can't be adjusted to.
      The look is fantastic and pairs perfectly with the blue shaft FA sells!
      on Jun 21st 2018

    3. Blue bombing

      Looks great, perfectly matches the corresponding shaft cover/dust washer. Got this for my RAP4 Kai, fit great, and looks awesome for my super saiyan blue themed build. Also love the additional heft this adds to the stick. on Feb 7th 2018

    4. Looks great, feels great

      Nice fit and finish. Screwed onto my JLF joystick with no issues. Weighs a bit more than a standard balltop, like another reviewer stated, I added a heavier spring to help counteract this a bit. Great product. on Jul 7th 2017

    5. Picture Perfect

      Fits perfectly on a Sanwa JLF and it looks just like the picture. You might consider putting a heftier spring in your stick if you are going to use this. The aluminum is fairly lightweight, but there is a difference in the feel. on Mar 14th 2016

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