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Artwork Print and Cut for Mayflash F500/F500 V2/Elite, Venom

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  • Product Description

    Important: Download latest Mayflash Firmware for L3, R3 Compatibility

    When Mayflash designed the original Venom, Mayflash F500, Elite, F500 V2, or F700, the L3 and R3 button was not included in the control panel or as extra dedicated buttons. The latest firmware, available for download on Mayflash's website new-window-icon.png provides L3 and R3 via Turbo + Start or Select button combo.

    Please Read Before You Order

    Below is important information to know before placing a custom order with us:

    • Hori Alpha Official Street Fighter 6 Artwork:  Please do not submit this artwork for the Fightstick Alpha. It is not compatible with our print and cut, as it contains registration marks that cannot be removed. If you wish to have the artwork printed only, you can use our Non-Commercial Fightstick Panel Artwork Print service. 
    • Hori Alpha Official Tekken 8 Artwork. We can print and cut most of Hori's official Tekken 8 artwork, as they revised the artwork files to allow removing the registration marks. Exception is artwork for Jun Kazama which has registration marks that cannot be removed.
    • Hori Alpha Official King of Fighters 30th Anniversary Artwork:  We can print and cut this artwork (located at, however, please note that the cuts may have areas of white around the edges, as the template has no overprint or artwork in the button areas.
    • Project L Official Artwork: Do not submit the PNG samples. Instead, please download the zipped Photoshop PSD version, unzip the file and integrate them into our artwork templates new-window-icon.png for your desired fightstick model
    • Custom Orders do Not Ship Separately: If you place an order for a personalized product along with non-custom products, such as arcade part or merchandise, please note that all items will ship together.

    Control panel artwork represents one of the most convenient means to personalize your fightstick, giving it a new look almost immediately. 

    Designed for Venom PS4, MAYFLASH F500, F500 V2, Elite

    Venom PS4/Mayflash F500 Panel Template Will also fit 8BitDo FC30, F500 Elite and Mayflash XB360/PS3/PC but requires replacement Mayflash F500 plexi panel. Not compatible with smaller Mayflash F300, Venom multi-console, or 8bitdo NS300 model (2Mb zip)

    The Venom PS3/PS4 model is a product of the UK and not sold in the USA.  It has the same form factor of the Mayflash F500 - a multi-console Fightstick. Please note that the Venom and Mayflash F500 already has its own removable acrylic panel for artwork. If you do not intend to replace the panel, you do not have to purchase a separate panel.  

    The artwork is also compatible with the 8Bitdo FC30 and older Mayflash XB360/PS3/PC models, but those models do not offer a clear plexi replacement panel.  Instead the plexi has artwork permanently attached to it, and would require purchasing a replacement Mayflash F500 panel.  

    We currently do not offer a 1:1 replacement plexi for these models due to its use of magnets to attach the panel. You may find a replacement panel on Amazonnew-window-icon.png

    High Resolution, Color Fidelity

    Artwork prints are developed using a top-of-the-line commercial printer, offering vivid, professional-quality artwork replication. The printer is capable of resolution of 1200dpi (dots per inch), and 8 color ink system (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, K(Black) + Light Cyan, Light Magenta and White) reproduces artwork over a wide color range.

    Artwork is printed on 10 mil cardstock sheet. It carries 95% brightness and tensile strength of 100 pounds per inch.

    Each print is laser cut to your specifications, as presented by available options. You will receive the print with perforated button inserts designed to fit your chosen button brand. In some cases, such as the Mayflash series, the control panel elements may also have perforated cuts. Gently press downward to remove the cutouts.

    Important Notes about Color Fidelity, Brightness

    • Please do not change the RGB color space of our templates to CYMK when submitting your artwork. Our templates are intentionally designed in the RGB color space to best match most customer's screen expectations, and will typically convert CYMK to RGB when printing. We will not honor demands to reprint artwork whose template is changed to CYMK color space.
    • Unless properly calibrated to your printer and viewing environment, your monitor does not accurately represent the brightness of paper. Artwork submissions may need adjustment to ensure prints are not too dark. Please read this helpful support article for more information

    New: Holographic Paper

    Animated holograph paper example

    Example animated photo displayed for illustrative purposes only. Pattern "Space Dots" shown.

    In addition to white cardstock sheets, we now offer holographic paper sheets in several captivating patterns. Holographic sheets are created from paper that is imprinted or embossed with a design or image and then covered in a thin, transparent film of metal. The finished sheet has a characteristic luster — a kind of rainbow iridescence — when the imprinted pattern is viewed from particular perspectives.

    Holographic cardstock has a similar tensile strength to our existing cardstock, about 110-115 pounds per inch

    Differences between White Cardstock and Holographic Print

    Both materials have their strengths. White cardstock is our tried and true paper material, producing vibrant colors with a textured semigloss.  It's 95% brightness brings out the best color fidelity because it has a white backing.

    Holographic paper has a striking metallic finish. By itself, its color changing properties are quite eye-catching. This is even more evident when a pattern is used. However, because the material does not have a white backing, the illustration's areas of white will instead show the metallic sheen. This can lead to a slightly duller appearance compared to cardstock. These comparison photos may help to illustrate. Please note that while the colors can appear more muted on holograph paper, the reflective nature of the material as well as its color properties will vary depending on the angle the illustration is seen and the material's pattern. Not every print will exactly resemble the below example.

    White cardstock example
    Holographic paper example
    White cardstock
    Holographic paper

    Holographic Patterns

    To review the list of current patterns we offer, please click the "Option Guide" Tab, then click "Holographic Patterns" link. On a mobile device? Scroll down to "Options Guide", then click "Holographic Patterns" link.


    Venom/Mayflash F500 Artwork Install - Step 1  

    There are six screws located at the bottom of the Venom PS4 and Mayflash F500.  The areas in green circle indicate where you will find the screws on the bottom panel.  A Phillips head screwdriver is used to remove them. 

    You must remove the pushbuttons before lifting the clear, magnetic acrylic panel. The wiring duplicates colors across two connectors,  Take note of the wire colors when detaching the quick disconnects, using the above photo as a guide, or taking your own photos of the wiring.

    Venom/Mayflash F500 Artwork Install - Step 2 Venom/Mayflash F500 Artwork Install - Step 3
    Once pushbuttons are removed, you can pull the acrylic panel upwards by grasping at the button holes.  Eventually the magnetic force will give way, and the panel will lift up. With the acrylic panel removed, you can now remove the original artwork from the Fightstick, then replace with your custom artwork. Reverse all of the steps to install the acrylic panel and close the Fightstick.
    Venom/Mayflash F500 Artwork Install - Installing on Mayflash PS3/Xb360/PC
    While the Mayflash PS3/XB360/PC and 8Bitdo FC30 Fightstick has a similar build as the Venom and Mayflash F500, they do not have a clear panel - the artwork is permanently attached to the panel.  You must replace the original panel with the F500 panel. You may find a replacement panel on Amazonnew-window-icon.png. As a reminder, this artwork is not compatible with the smaller Mayflash F300, Venom multi-console (featured red buttons instead of blue), or 8bitdo NS300 model


    Option Guide

    Often, you will have several options to personalize your control panel. Note: Not every option will apply to your Fightstick model.


    Layout Configuration

    Each Fightstick has its own characteristics, with some sharing similar elements, such as the popular Vewlix button layout. We will specify what options are available for each Fightstick. Below are the most common button layout configurations:

    8 Button Vewlix
    First 6 Buttons
    Last 6 Buttons
    7 Button Vewlix
    8 Button Vewlix
    First 6 Buttons
    Last 6 Buttons
    7 Button Vewlix

    Back to topic top

    Removing Default Elements 

    Some Fightsticks, such as the popular MadCatz TE, offer additional personalization options by removing default elements such as control panel, start button, or screws.  Cut options are defaulted to their authentic counterpart, displayed as [YES (default)] in the options list.  For example, a MadCatz TE, the default configuration is to have the turbo/guide portion of the control panel cut, so that the control panel can fit properly.  You have the option to select [NO] to prevent cutting these areas.  

    Cut Control Panel? [NO]
    Cut Start Buttons [NO]
    Cut Middle and/or Bottom Screws? [NO]
    Cut Control Panel? [NO]
    Cut Start Button? [NO]
    Cut Middle and/or Bottom Screws? [NO]

    Cut Control Panel? [NO] - If you own a MadCatz TE, and installed a PS360+, you may no longer need the Turbo/Guide area of the control panel, located at top left.  This option allows you to remove the Turbo/Guide portion.  Please note that you MUST remove the actual control panel on the TE by unscrewing it before applying the plexi, or you risk damaging the plexi.  Also, please make certain to select this option if you are also choosing to have artwork printed, or the plexi and artwork won't match.

    Cut Start Button? [NO] - On some joysticks - such as the Qanba Q4 - the start button is directly on the panel.  You can select to have this removed.  You can also select this should you desire a panel similar to the Eightarc Fusion or Synthesis series Fightstick, as the start button is moved elsewhere.  Again, this option is available on specific joysticks.

    Cut Middle and/or Bottom Screws? [NO] - Selecting "no" on this option allows you to remove the middle top and bottom screw holes on specific joysticks, either for a cleaner appearance or to avoid rubbing your wrist against the screw.  Please reconsider this option if you intend to have a full panel etch on your plexi, as etching physically changes portions of the plexi due to heat.  In this case, it is best to leave the screw holes in place in order to keep the panel securely positioned.

    Back to topic top

    Cut Button Inserts

    Plexworks Diagram: Button Artwork Cut Size Comparison

    Pushbutton manufacturers such as Sanwa, Seimitsu, Crown and GamerFinger have each produced specific models with a clear or translucent plastic cap and flat plunger.  These are often used to display a graphical insert, allowing you to enhance the button's appearance.  That said, each button manufacturer has designed the artwork cap with a different diameter than their competitors. For example, GamerFinger's artwork cap has a diameter that is slightly larger than Seimitsu or Sanwa.  An insert cut for a Sanwa artwork cap will fit loosely when inserted into the GamerFinger artwork cap.  This is an undesirable result that can produce a white or colored ring around the insert. 

    Now, you can choose the button insert cut to match the pushbutton you intend to use.  This allows the insert to fit snugly within the cap.

    Brands and Model with Artwork Caps

    In some instances, a button brand or model does not have a 24mm equivalent with art cap.  In this case, we will cut to the default size of Sanwa 24mm insert.

    Please note that if you later intend to purchase a different button, you may need to get new button inserts or new artwork. If you are uncertain which button you may choose, Sanwa is chosen by default.

    Button Cut for Qanba Q2 Glow

    Qanba Crystal Button Example
    Qanba Crystal and Q2 Glow feature buttons manufactured by Qanba.  These buttons have a smaller cap diameter, and thus require a smaller artwork insert. If you plan to keep the Qanba Crystal or Q2 Glow buttons installed when updating your artwork, please choose the option "Crystal/Q2 Glow".

    24 vs 30mm

    When processing orders, a frequent mistake we found among new players is choosing the wrong size for action buttons, such as punch and kick.

    Within the fighting game genre, Japanese arcade buttons commonly consist of two diameter sizes: 24 millimeter and 30 milllimeter (mm). In most configurations, 30mm represents your action button.  These are front facing, appearing most prominent on your Fightstick control panel.  Option button, such as "Start", "Select", or more recently "Option", "Touch", or "Share" are usually 24mm.

    UPDATE: Owners of Neo Geo AES Joysticks will need 24mm pushbuttons instead of 30mm (Thanks SRK's DEZALB)

    Below is a visual representation of a common Fightstick control panel.  Throughout this article, we will mark 24mm in green, and 30mm in Orange.

    Common joystick configuration

    Checking the Proper Size

    button-30mm.pngAnother way that players can misinterpret the pushbutton size is by measuring the pushbutton plunger.  Have a look at the diagram at right.

    The plunger - the part that you press down to represent an input - is 25mm or a bit smaller in most 30mm pushbuttons.  Often this leads to the conclusion that one needs a 24mm button and not 30mm.

    Similarly measuring the button rim can lead to confusion, as it is intentionally larger than the button hole it is placed in.  You don't want to use these measurements.  Instead, review the button housing diameter, or the hole the button will be placed in.  You can do this with a caliper - a digital caliper is often quite helpful for this and other arcade-related projects.

    Control Panel Configuration

    Most Fightsticks from MadCatz, Hori, Qanba, and similar will use these two sizes.  How the buttons are used will depend on the model joystick that you own. Over time, we'll provide example configurations for specific popular Fightstick models and arcade cabinets using the color key for 24mm (green) and 30mm (orange).  We'll also expand the key for future models if another size is introduced, and we offer for sale.


    24vs30mm Hitbox Example
    HRAP and Qanba Model Configuration
    MadCatz Model Configuration
    Qanba Q1 and Mayflash/Venom Model Configuration

    Holograph Patterns

    The following patterns are available. Artwork is printed atop the pattern and its color changing effects will appear underneath.

    Pattern: Rainbow (no embossed pattern)
    Pattern: Donuts
    Pattern: Dots Lite
    No Pattern (Rainbow)
    Dots: Donuts
    Dots: Dots Lite
    Pattern: Space Dots)
    Pattern: Little Boxes
    Pattern: Static Storm
    Dots: Space Dots
    Dots: Little Boxes
    Diagonal: Static Storm
    Pattern: Thatched
    Pattern: Pillars of Light
    Pattern: Tinsel
    Diagonal: Thatched
    Horizontal: Pillars of Light
    Vertical: Tinsel
    Pattern: Texture
    Pattern: Madnetic Fur
    Pattern: Cannabis
    Texture: Texture 2
    Texture: Magnetic Fur
    Theme: Cannabis
    Pattern: Vortex
    Pattern: Moon Lava
    Pattern: Swirl 3
    Theme: Vortex
    Wavy: Moon Lava
    Wavy: Swirl 3

    Image Edit

    If you would like to use a free, online Photoshop-like app to check out whether your artwork will work with a layout we offer, I highly recommend Photopea new-window-icon.png This amazing app works with our PSD templates and is a great way to preview your artwork or create new art files. It also exports to PSD, which is the format we recommend for submitting artwork.

    Visit Photopea new-window-icon.png



    New to FA Plexworks?

    Click the "Options" tab for a detailed explanation of each customization option available to you. Using a mobile device?  Click here to scroll to the descriptions.

    Artwork templates

    We offer a photoshop template for each custom artwork or custom plexi etch. Click the "Description" tab (or scroll up if on mobile device) to display the template and download. You can also click here to access our repository and download artwork and etch templates (in Photoshop PSD format) for your desired model and others.

    Important: Using templates outside of the ones we provide may produce unwanted output.  We are not responsible for output generated from unsupported templates.  More information here.

    Warranty and Support for FA Plexworks Custom Order

    Custom orders cannot be returned for refund, or exchanged for another custom order. Orders damaged upon arrival are subject to special terms within our return policy. Please see our FA Plexworks FAQ for more information about our Plexworks return policy and related Q&A.

    If you have not used our Plexworks custom services before, we recommend that you visit our support section for updated information, helpful tips, and resources to get the best output.

    Some useful sections to review before making your purchase (will open in new browser window or tab):

  • Product Reviews


    Write A Review

    1. Simply the best!

      Print quality was amazing! I got the holographic paper and it made the design I used pop out even more. Your print will be shipped in the best, safest package as well. HIGHLY recommend! on Jan 25th 2025

    2. second time using them :)

      always great quality. ordered the same template around a year ago and was so happy that we ordered again. on Jan 5th 2025

    3. great stuff

      loved how easy it was and fast to set up and order on Jun 22nd 2024

    4. Awesome work.

      Sent a custom artwork for my Mayflash F500 Elite and the print and cut-out came out great.
      Fits perfectly on my arcade stick and the material is excellent quality.
      Awesome work!
      Thank you from the Netherlands.
      on Jan 8th 2024

    5. Incredibly accurate

      My artwork arrived exactly as requested.
      The colors and cut match the psd I gave them.
      And the quality of the print and material is the icing on the cake. It's just amazing.
      on Nov 24th 2023

    6. Amazing

      Way better quality than I thought. The image came out exactly how I wanted it. Will definitely be buying another one soon. on Oct 26th 2023

    7. Exactly what I expected- note if you use CSP

      Product was exactly as I ordered it, and looked great in person

      As a side note, if you're using Clip Studio Paint, make sure you save your project as a photoshop document as opposed to actually exporting it. Exports flatten images down to a single layer, which I didn't know. Luckily you can pretty easily swap in a new document!
      on Oct 18th 2023

    8. So much better than expected

      Absolutely transformed the look of my standard Mayflash. Complete breeze to install (though I'd recommend getting the button removal tool). Very high quality printing and cutting. on Sep 20th 2023

    9. Picture perfect

      Exactly what I was hoping for! Excellent quality and material. Already working on my next order. on Sep 14th 2023

    10. Excellent, Exactly as requested

      Looks great, fits exactly and I will 100% suggest for friends and family on Sep 10th 2023

  • Product Videos

    • FA Plexworks Custom Fightstick Artwork Services
      This video explains the many options available to you when cho...
    • Customizing the Mayflash f500 Elite
      Hey, everyone! Today we're customizing the Mayflash f500 Elit...

    FA Plexworks Custom Fightstick Artwork Services

    This video explains the many options available to you when choosing custom FA Plexworks services at We also cover important tips and references for properly uploading artwork when placing an order. Visit to place an order for custom Fightstick artwork, a replacement acrylic top, or even laser etched design on acrylic. For additional information about FA Plexworks, download templates, and additional tips on how to submit artwork, visit our support portal Big thanks to Naota for his pro-tier production! ** Artwork pictures are sample illustrations. All printed artwork is submitted by the user, and not sold directly on the website.
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