
Plexworks: Artwork Print and Cut Button Inserts Are Hard to Remove? Please Contact Us

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Looks fine here. Flipped over. Very faint lines represent bad cut. Please ask for a replacement.

Hi there - recently a customer reported a print and cut whose buttons could not be pushed free. If you have a similar issue with your print, we want to hear from you.

We use a laser machine to create perforations shaped like button holes and inserts. It keeps them attached to the print during transport. A gently push through the space typically allows the insert and rim to detach from the cardstock.

I've identified the reason why the laser was not performing this properly and fixed it tonight. We don't yet know how many were affected - the first instance of this report was from an order placed Feb 27. This may affect holographic prints more, as the cardstock is slightly thicker than white cardstock.

My staff could not identify the issue prior to today because the artwork appeared to be scored properly on the other side as shown in the first shot. In the second shot, you can see that the cuts are barely visible. In a properly cut print, the cut is quite visible.

If you have a print from us whose button cuts are very faint and it is difficult if not impossible to remove the button inserts, please reach out to us at and we'll issue a replacement print of the same artwork(s) you ordered (no prints of new artwork or for a different model).

Thanks for your patience.


Jaleel Beck

Final Boss
