I'd say this is probably my 3rd favorite Lever and my first real Korean Lever. The Sanjuks V3 doesn't really count imo.
This grommet gives a similar feel and tension to a 2lb spring on a JLF, while giving a throw akin to Seimetsu Levers. Naturally reminding of how I originally had my V3 setup as well as my OTTO DIY JLF, though I've switched to a 1/1.5lb spring the Shinsun lever has a bit more tension than I've been regularly playing with. It makes perfect sense for SF, Strive and KOF, and still very effective for 3D Fighters. Even in retro titles the ease of use is still very much present.
Now if Crown ever makes a 10-12A Grommet to give a feel similar to 1.5 lb It'd make paying for a V3 much harder with the Shinsun currently carrying a price tag that is $30-35 cheaper.
Overall a very solid lever and adding silent switches is an absolute game changer as well.Dez
Feb 18th 2024
My New Favorite 2D fighter and Beatem ups Lever
Best way I can describe it in my personal opinion. I know some may disagree. It feels like a mix between Sanwa jlf, Crown New Help me and Seimitsu Nobi. That smooth ride and bounce back with the grommet feels so nice. This makes DPz so much easier to execute. The grommet was the only thing I personally liked about Korean levers. It also worked surprisingly well with Shmups. I liked it so much I ended up ordering another one. C
Feb 11th 2024