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The KDiT ALU balltop offers the same attractive anodized aluminum finish of our ALU battops into the popular Japanese style balltop. The ALU balltop is a bit heavier than the plastic or glass equivalent. You can bundle your order with a 2lb Tension Spring for Sanwa JLF to manage the extra weight if desired.
Every color of the KDiT ALU series balltop has the equivalent color of our JLF-ALU Shaft and Dustwasher set.
This balltop fits the Sanwa and Seimitsu line of joysticks that accept 35mm. That includes our common line of Sanwa JLF joysticks, such as the Sanwa JLF-TP-8YT Joystick, Sanwa JLF-TRG-8YTH.SK Silent Microswitch Joystick, and Seimitsu joysticks. Note that Seimitsu joysticks have a heavier spring.
I use this on a Korean lever and the weight creates a nice counter to being much lower on the shaft than a Battop or Bullet top. This counters the lost leverage, Only way I have enjoyed a balltop on a silicone tension lever.
I also run it with two washers to up height a bit and a little anti-seize metal grease on the threads. BATTLEMANIA on Jan 1st 2023
Just received it a few days ago, color is accurate to the site, also the Purple ALU dustcover and shaft match this ball top in color but the image for that product is not color accurate. Unknown on Sep 20th 2018
I'm completely addicted to the weight, texture and look of the ALU balltops. They're just _so good_. Literally the only drawback is that you can't shove an LED into your joystick, but that's a drawback I'll happily take. If you've never tried one out, you owe it to yourself to pick one up just to see. Seriously, pick your favourite colour and see if you ever turn back. Nick Kinsman on Jul 11th 2018
High quality, color is accurate to what's on the site. Zachary on Feb 20th 2018