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Blank Plexi Cover for Qanba Obsidian Stickless

$16.95 (USD)
6.50 Ounces
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  • Product Description

    Please Read Before You Order

    Below is important information to know before placing a custom order with us:

    • Hori Alpha Official Street Fighter 6 Artwork:  Please do not submit this artwork for the Fightstick Alpha. It is not compatible with our print and cut, as it contains registration marks that cannot be removed. If you wish to have the artwork printed only, you can use our Non-Commercial Fightstick Panel Artwork Print service. 
    • Hori Alpha Official Tekken 8 Artwork. We can print and cut most of Hori's official Tekken 8 artwork, as they revised the artwork files to allow removing the registration marks. Exception is artwork for Jun Kazama which has registration marks that cannot be removed.
    • Hori Alpha Official King of Fighters 30th Anniversary Artwork:  We can print and cut this artwork (located at, however, please note that the cuts may have areas of white around the edges, as the template has no overprint or artwork in the button areas.
    • Project L Official Artwork: Do not submit the PNG samples. Instead, please download the zipped Photoshop PSD version, unzip the file and integrate them into our artwork templates new-window-icon.png for your desired fightstick model
    • Custom Orders do Not Ship Separately: If you place an order for a personalized product along with non-custom products, such as arcade part or merchandise, please note that all items will ship together.

    The art cover replacement top panel offers one of the best ways to customize your joystick.  The plexiglass sits atop specially cut artwork, allowing you to add or replace new custom artwork to match your joystick theme.

    Sized for Qanba Obsidian 1 . Install Notes and CPT SOCD Firmware

    Qanba Obsidian (PS3/PS4) Qanba Obsidian Pearl (PS3/PS4)
    Obsidian Stickless Panel Template
    (Must use custom AFS metal panel replacement.
    Not compatible with Arcade Shock stickless panel replacement - 1.8Mb zip)

    Before the 2023 release of Qanba Obsidian 2 PS4/PS5 Fightstick, the Obsidian 1 remained one of Qanba's most popular additions to the PS3/PS4 series.  The plexi is designed specifically to fit this model, closely matching the thickness of the original panel.  Some important notes while installing and replacing your pushbuttons:

    Top panel screw hole after removing sticker, epoxy and screw Bottom panel after screw removal; note long cable to headphone port.
    The original panel has artwork permanently attached to it. To replace the original panel, you must first remove the 6 black stickers and epoxy glue below those stickers across the top and bottom area of the panel. Performing this will expose the original silver plexi panel screws. They will have epoxy residue - it's recommended that you purchase our replacement screws either in silver or black oxide.

    To access the internal wiring, use a Phillips head-screwdriver to unscrew 6 screws on the bottom panel.  The sixth screw is hidden behind a white warranty tamper sticker, located in the top middle area of the bottom panel. Upon removing the bottom panel, please note the long cable that leads to the headphone jack.  Now, remove each of the quick disconnects using a needle nose plier and pinching the tiny tabs in each QCD, then pull up. Note the wire color arrangement - you will need to refer to this arrangement after the Stickless plate and your replacement 24mm buttons are installed. 

    Next, disconnect the 5-pin harness attached to the joystick lever; you will use this later. Proceed to remove the joystick lever by first removing the balltop. You can do this by wedging a flathead screwdriver into the bottom of the joystick shaft, then turning the balltop clockwise. Finally, unscrew the four screws from the lever mounting plate.

    Snapbuttons must install with tabs aligned similar to tab openings, or the tabs may break. Step: Cut bottom middle screw housing with dremel tool
    With the terminals removed from each button, and joystick lever removed you are now able to lift the original panel from its plastic housing. You will find 6 silver screws holding the panel in place.  Unscrew these and put them aside, as you will use them when installing the replacement panel. You will notice that the stickless replacement panel will have an obstruction in the bottom hole; you cannot install a button while this is present. This issue occurs due to the need to comply with the traditional stickless layout positioning, and keeping the layout centered.  You will need to remove a portion of the bottom plastic housing.  You can accomplish this with a Dremel with small rounded saw attachment, or some other form of cutting tool that can cut plastic. You will need to cut enough for your 30mm button to fit. The guide above can assist with how much to cut, though you can likely cut less, so long as the area currently blocked by the plastic housing is clear.
    Step: Replacement Stickless Panel Install Step: Install artwork then plexi using original or bundle replacement screws
    Now, with the bottom middle screw housing trimmed to accommodate the button, you can install the replacement AFS Stickless panel.  Here, you will use the six silver screws that you removed from the original panel.

    With the firmware update completed, we now move to installing new artwork and plexi.  

    1. First, install the artwork onto the panel
    2. Next, attach the plexi using either screws recovered when removing the original plexi, or the replacement screws you purchased separately.


     Step: Internal Wiring

     Now, we will attach the directional buttons and action buttons.

    1. The directional buttons are connected to the 5-Pin to All-Button Conversion Harness. The male end of the 5-pin harness attaches to the 5-pin female harness that is connected to the Qanba Obsidian's PCB board. Follow the visual guide to match the directional inputs to wire color.
    2. If you plan to use snapbuttons, their orientation must conform to the tabbed openings on the metal panel's button holes.  This is due to how Qanba manages button installs, opting instead to attach the button to the plexi rather than the metal panel. If you have artwork under the button cap, you will need to rotate the artwork to match the orientation of the button as it is installed. 
    3. The action buttons (punch, kick) are now 24mm instead of 30mm.  You will connect the wiring to each button based on the color guide shown in earlier steps.
    Step: Input Test Step: Load Firmware Upgrade EXE

    With the direction and action buttons installed, it's time to test your inputs.  The application used here is, a free online application that can confirm directions as input by the fightstick to your computer, and by definition, to your console. new-window-icon.png Be sure to first change your Obsidian platform switch to "PC" before plugging into your computer and performing the test.

    It's worthwhile to test the inputs now. At the very least it will confirm that you wired the buttons correctly to the 5-pin harness. Remember that the first 24mm directional button is LEFT, the second 24mm is DOWN, the third 24mm is RIGHT, and the fourth is UP.

    Before proceeding to the next steps (firmware install), see if your Obsidian model may already have CPT compliant cleaning in its hardware. The firmware was introduced on April 27. 2023. If you purchased the Obsidian or Pearl past this date, the newer firmware may already be installed.

    When performing the inputs with the newer firmware, pressing the left and right input simultaneously should show no activity on the gamepad screen.  The same should apply when pressing the up and down buttons at the same time. This lack of activity will represent "neutral", meaning that the hardware already has the newer firmware.  If you instead see both directions light up on the gamepad tester application, proceed to the next steps.

    The following instruction assumes you will use the CPT certified SOCD cleaner that is enabled via firmware upgrade.

    1. You will first download the firmware file
    2. Next, unzip and run the "Qanba Obsidian Arcade Joystick Update V1.24 20230425.exe" program. If there is a security software prompt that states running the program poses a safety risk, please choose to ignore it or add the exe file to as an exception to your virus security app
    3. Now, with the app open, you will see a screen similar to the above image.  It will display the firmware upgrade version under "File Information" 
    Step: Firmware Install Procedure 2 Step: Firnware Update
    In these next steps, you will connect your Qanba Obsidian to your PC and update the firmware.
    1. To connect your Obsidian to the firmware upgrade app, press and hold the [PS] button on the joystick while plugging the USB data cable into the computer. After the connection is successful, [Qanba Obsidian Arcade Joystick] will be displayed on the interface.
    2. Press the "Update" button

    These final steps are important

    1. After pressing the "Update" button, wait for the update progress bar to finish running. Do NOT interrupt the process by removing the USB cable, or powering off your computer. 
    2. Once the update is complete, a window will pop up, indicating that both the update is successful and the verification is completed.
    3. Click [OK] (appears in Chinese) to complete the update.
    Step: Final Assembly

    With your buttons, artwork and wiring installed, it's time to test the inputs again. As a reminder, when performing the inputs with the newer firmware, pressing the left and right input simultaneously should show no activity on the gamepad screen.  The same should apply when pressing the up and down buttons at the same time. This lack of activity will represent "neutral"

    If you're able to confirm correct direction and neutral inputs via app, you're ready to go. Congratulations!

    Durable Configuration. Laser Cut Layout

    The Obsidian top panel is constructed using resilient clear acrylic, and layout is cut to precision with a laser etching device.

    Options Help

    You have several options to personalize your control panel, such as button layout, removal of control panel or screws in some models


    Plexi Color, Thickness

    Below are visual examples of available acrylic colors and thicknesses.  Not all colors are available for each thickness, nor are the materials and thicknesses accessible for each Fightstick model. Some colors come in a specific thickness, and are too thin or thick to install properly on the Fightstick. Additionally, some material thicknesses do not allow for full etch, as the material can warp from the laser. 

    When multiple colors and thicknesses are available for your Fightstick model, you will find them within the options list.

    Plexi Thickness

    Plexi Thickness: .75mm thin acrylic
    Plexi Thickness: 1.5mm thick acrylic
    Plexi Thickness: 3mm thick acrylic

    Plexi Color and Texture

    Plexi Texture: Clear
    Plexi texture: Black Gloss
    Plexi texture: Black Matte
    Plexi texture: White Gloss
    Plexi texture:White Matte
    Clear (.75mm, 1.5mm, 3mm) 
    Black Gloss (1.5mm, 3mm)
    Black Matte (3mm only)
    White Gloss (3mm only)
    White Matte (3mm only)

    Notes about Black Matte, White Matte & White Gloss

    Black Matte Sample 1: No Etching
    Black Matte is available in .125" (3mm) thickness only. This color and material texture can be purchased without etching. For AllFightsticks models, you can use the black matte plexi panel as a full replacement for the metal panel.
    White Matte: Sample 1
    White Matte: Sample 2
    White Gloss and White Matte is available in .125" (3mm) thickness only. For AllFightsticks models, you can use the white matte plexi panel as a full replacement for the metal panel.

    White acrylic is also semi translucent - about 80% opacity. You could place a brightly colored artwork underneath for a cool effect.

    Layout Configuration

    Each Fightstick has its own characteristics, with some sharing similar elements, such as the popular Vewlix button layout. We will specify what options are available for each Fightstick. Below are the most common button layout configurations:

    8 Button Vewlix
    First 6 Buttons
    Last 6 Buttons
    7 Button Vewlix
    8 Button Vewlix
    First 6 Buttons
    Last 6 Buttons
    7 Button Vewlix

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    Removing Default Elements 

    Some Fightsticks, such as the popular MadCatz TE, offer additional personalization options by removing default elements such as control panel, start button, or screws.  Cut options are defaulted to their authentic counterpart, displayed as [YES (default)] in the options list.  For example, a MadCatz TE, the default configuration is to have the turbo/guide portion of the control panel cut, so that the control panel can fit properly.  You have the option to select [NO] to prevent cutting these areas.  

    Cut Control Panel? [NO]
    Cut Start Buttons [NO]
    Cut Middle and/or Bottom Screws? [NO]
    Cut Control Panel? [NO]
    Cut Start Button? [NO]
    Cut Middle and/or Bottom Screws? [NO]

    Cut Control Panel? [NO] - If you own a MadCatz TE, and installed a PS360+, you may no longer need the Turbo/Guide area of the control panel, located at top left.  This option allows you to remove the Turbo/Guide portion.  Please note that you MUST remove the actual control panel on the TE by unscrewing it before applying the plexi, or you risk damaging the plexi.  Also, please make certain to select this option if you are also choosing to have artwork printed, or the plexi and artwork won't match.

    Cut Start Button? [NO] - On some joysticks - such as the Qanba Q4 - the start button is directly on the panel.  You can select to have this removed.  You can also select this should you desire a panel similar to the Eightarc Fusion or Synthesis series Fightstick, as the start button is moved elsewhere.  Again, this option is available on specific joysticks.

    Cut Middle and/or Bottom Screws? [NO] - Selecting "no" on this option allows you to remove the middle top and bottom screw holes on specific joysticks, either for a cleaner appearance or to avoid rubbing your wrist against the screw.  Please reconsider this option if you intend to have a full panel etch on your plexi, as etching physically changes portions of the plexi due to heat.  In this case, it is best to leave the screw holes in place in order to keep the panel securely positioned.

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    Image Edit

    If you would like to use a free, online Photoshop-like app to check out whether your artwork will work with a layout we offer, I highly recommend Photopea new-window-icon.png This amazing app works with our PSD templates and is a great way to preview your artwork or create new art files. It also exports to PSD, which is the format we recommend for submitting artwork.

    Visit Photopea new-window-icon.png



    New to FA Plexworks?

    Click the "Options" tab for a detailed explanation of each customization option available to you. Using a mobile device?  Click here to scroll to the descriptions.

    Artwork templates

    We offer a photoshop template for each custom artwork or custom plexi etch. Click the "Description" tab (or scroll up if on mobile device) to display the template and download. You can also click here to access our repository and download artwork and etch templates (in Photoshop PSD format) for your desired model and others.

    Important: Using templates outside of the ones we provide may produce unwanted output.  We are not responsible for output generated from unsupported templates.  More information here.

    Warranty and Support for FA Plexworks Custom Order

    Custom orders cannot be returned for refund, or exchanged for another custom order. Orders damaged upon arrival are subject to special terms within our return policy. Please see our FA Plexworks FAQ for more information about our Plexworks return policy and related Q&A.

    If you have not used our Plexworks custom services before, we recommend that you visit our support section for updated information, helpful tips, and resources to get the best output.

    Some useful sections to review before making your purchase (will open in new browser window or tab):

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  • Product Videos

    • FA Plexworks Custom Fightstick Artwork Services
      This video explains the many options available to you when cho...

    FA Plexworks Custom Fightstick Artwork Services

    This video explains the many options available to you when choosing custom FA Plexworks services at We also cover important tips and references for properly uploading artwork when placing an order. Visit to place an order for custom Fightstick artwork, a replacement acrylic top, or even laser etched design on acrylic. For additional information about FA Plexworks, download templates, and additional tips on how to submit artwork, visit our support portal Big thanks to Naota for his pro-tier production! ** Artwork pictures are sample illustrations. All printed artwork is submitted by the user, and not sold directly on the website.