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Seimitsu LS-32/LS-38 Replacement Shaft

$5.45 (USD)
1.48 Ounces
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Other Details
  • Product Description

    The Seimitsu LS-32 shaft replaces a worn shaft for Seimitsu LS-32-01 Joystick and family of Seimitsu LS-38 and 38-01 joysticks.

    E-Clip, Flat Screws Included

    The original Seimitsu LS-32 shaft C-clip is incompatible, due to the e-clip area diameter needed for the hollow shaft. Additionally, once removed, the C-clip cannot be reinstalled onto the LS-32 without special tools.  Each LS-32 hollow shaft will include a wider diameter e-clip that will fit this model. To address the e-clip's girth, we provide two replacement screws with a flatter pan head.  These screws will install into the topmost restrictor guide.  Please click the "Install" tab for a quick guide to remove and replace the existing shaft with hollow shafts.

    1. First, use a pair of needle nose pliers to remove the c-clip.  You will not recover the c-clip's original shape once removed.
    2. Next, lift the original shaft from its base.
    3. Place the hollow shaft into the LS-32 base.
    4. Remove the two short screws that attach the dark glue subguide to the joystick lever.
    5. Replace these screws with the flatter pan head screws that are provided with the hollow shaft.
    6. Use the needle nose plier to attach the larger e-clip provided with the hollow shaft. The finished result should resemble the photo below (hollow shaft model shown, no longer available):

     Seimitsu with hollow shaft, e-clips and screws installed.

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