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Kori Hollow Battop: Purple

$6.95 (USD)
1.18 Ounces
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  • Product Description

    The KDiT Kori offers a translucent, Sanwa JLF, Seimitsu LS, and Hori Hayabusa compatible battop with a hollow threading for LED lighting.

    Closest Match to OBSC and KN

    "Kori" in Japanese means "ice". Each of the available 8 deliciously colored battops are designed to represent a close match with Sanwa OBSC series pushbutton, plus Seimitsu K and KN series pushbutton.

    Hollow Threading

    The standout feature in the Kori family is its 5mm diameter hollow threading, which easily screws onto the shaft of popular Sanwa JLF series, Seimitsu LS series, and Hori Hayabusa joysticks.  Coupled with a hollow joystick shaft, you can wire a small (3x5mm) new-window-icon.png single white or RGB LED.

  • Product Reviews


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    1. Ice beauty

      My favorite battop right now! Kori are making perfect balltops and battops. There are no pimples, equators, scratches or anything else that would spoil the aesthetic value of these things. They are called Kori which means ice and it`s pretty accurate, the battop looks like a perfectly carved and polished icicle. The color is just amazing, it looks different in various lightings and it`s awesome. And it complements my translucent purple Seimitsu buttons.
      Plus, the material is so nice and very pleasant to touch. The only downside is that it can get a bit slippery if you have wet hands.
      on Jul 4th 2019

    2. Exactly like the Sanwa, but purple!

      It's exactly like the Sanwa clear battop in every way aside form the color. This means it has the same pros and cons:
      Pro: no need for an adapter, aesthetically pleasing
      Con: sits higher on the stick than the plastic ones that require an adapter, so the leverage and throw are a bit off (see below)

      Regarding the extra height, this is actually fine for sticks that use levered switches (Seimitsu, Crown, etc.), but if it uses non-levered, it has a tendency to push the buttons in too far because of the extra torque and actually damaged some switches we used in both Hayabusa and JLF sticks. This by no means makes the product bad, but it's something to consider when installing it.
      on Jun 15th 2018

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