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*Fightstick DIY kits, such as BNB or AFS are not included in this promotion. USA include Hawaii, Alaska, Puerto Rico and Guam. 25% USPS International shipping discount.
Promotions end December 31 11:59pm PST (3:00am Jan 1 EST)
The KOWAL Flat Plate Converter (FPC) allows players to mount many Japanese joysticks into an American or European arcade cabinet's control panel, and likewise various American or European joysticks into a Japanese arcade cabinet's control panel.
The KOWAL FPC's distinct feature is its compatibility with contemporary joysticks from Japan, USA, Europe and some Korean joysticks. Rather than attempting to accommodate non-standard panels and much older joysticks, the converter plate's conflict-free hole layout keeps installation simple for most joysticks and panels available today. Further, the compromise between the plate's shape and size is one of its most useful features.
The KOWAL FPC's mounting holes also feature unique milled edges in the mounting holes, which allow conical head screws to install completely flush with the plate. This creates a nice, even surface and space for mounting; adding to its compatibility with many American, European and Japanese control panels. Those tasked to repair or replace joysticks in arcade centers, or the experienced hobbyist will find the KOWAL FPC a versatile solution.
Though the KOWAL Flat Plate Converter is versatile, it is not magical; it cannot convert for all configurations. Utilizing the plate requires important considerations:
How to Use |
USING THE KOWAL FLAT PLATE AS A CONVERTERLet's explore one example of using the plate as a converter using the provided diagram (below, provided by KOWAL):
COMPATIBILITY GUIDEThe sheer amount of joystick and panel configurations make it impossible to cover all of them, nor is the KOWAL Flat Plate guaranteed to be compatible with all of them. It is helpful to review some of the similarities and differences that exist in panels, where the flat plate converter holes are positioned to install on them, and identify some of the panels that KOWAL FPC were tested upon: Seimitsu Astro City and Sanwa Blast CityFor starters, Kowal has tested the Flat Converter Plate on two popular Japanese arcade cabinets: The Seimitsu-based Astro City, and Sanwa-based Blast City. Many Japanese panels are slight modifications of these two panels. For example, the Taito Vewlix models after the Sanwa Blast City mounting configuration. When referring to Fightsticks, the configuration is similar:
DiagramIt is helpful to review the KOWAL FPC hole layout diagram (link opens new window) to see where mounting holes are positioned for many joysticks and some panels that those joysticks install. Notice the "top" and "bottom" orientation in the diagram, as it represents the method in which is mounted into the arcade cabinet panel or Fightstick. Suggested ScrewsAs information becomes available, we will update this section Attach Sanwa JLF to Flat Plate ConverterRemember that the Sanwa JLF-TP-8YT Joystick body will attach to the outermost center holes on the Kowal FPC (see "Example" diagram and holes marked in Blue). The JLF body itself has two holes on the left and right side, which appear in its "tabs": Diameter of the screw must be no larger than 5mm, and no smaller than 4mm. |
Converter worked perfectly for mounting a Seimitsu LS-56 inside an Etokki Omni.
Great fit, finish.
Deducted 1 star because it is $11. Happy Customer on Apr 24th 2023
Not compatible with Sanwa Joysticks or American happ compatible cabinets.
Excellent build quality, I will put away for another job.
Also excellent template for hole marking. Stephen Houston on Jan 14th 2021
This flat plate is machines in great quality. Unfortunately for me it did not fit my stick so it was just unlucky for me. A good product if you don’t have a Panthera Evo. Unknown on Jan 3rd 2020
Used it with an LS 56 in a Qanba Carbon. Pretty straight forward. Unknown on Dec 5th 2017
Installed into a Mad Catz TE2+. Just be sure to have screws to fit the plate with your stick. Unknown on Sep 2nd 2017
Worked great for mounting a Seimitsu LS-56 where a Happ competition stick was. Unknown on Jul 7th 2017
It allowed me to mount a Myoungshin Fanta on to a Madcatz TE Round 2 after cutting a larger hole in the Madcatz. The Kowal plate requires no modification to do so. Unknown on Nov 3rd 2016
I have used this plate to change from Sanwa to Seimitsu joysticks in a Sega New Astro City cabinet and a hori diamond vlx arcade stick. rpgposer on Oct 6th 2016
I was able to succesfully connect it to my joystick. Recommended! Unknown on Mar 23rd 2016
I purchased this because the mounting plate for the Sanwa JLW joystick does not have holes that line up with those on the Qanba Q1 top panel. This got the job done for me. One corner of the plate touches a plastic support cylinder that is molded into the case, but it did not prevent me from mounting the stick. Brian on Aug 6th 2015