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Sanwa JLXD-TP-8YT Detachable Joystick Lever

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  • Product Description

    Video courtesy of Sanwa Denshi

    Since PhreakMods Quick Release shaft for Sanwa JLF joystick levers debuted years ago, many players have enjoyed the convenience of detaching the lever shaft for easier transport in common bags and backpacks.

    Sanwa introduces the JLXD-TP-8YT - their official take on the detachable joystick lever.

    Screw-Type Install

    The Sanwa JLXD features a unique base and shaft cover design.  From the video at right, you can see how the shaft is first inserted into the base, followed by the joystick lever via twisting clockwise to screw it down into the base, holding the shaft cover to keep it from rotating while screwing in.  Similarly, you can unscrew it by twisting counter-clockwise.

    Worth noting is installing a balltop. Do not attempt to install the balltop traditionally by screwing onto the shaft and tightening from the bottom of the shaft. This creates an undesired tight seal between the shaft piece and the base, which in turn makes unscrewing the shaft from the base very difficult. Instead, please tighten the balltop onto the shaft piece before you attempt to screw the shaft into the JLXD base.

    Shaft/Dustwasher Compatibility 

    The JLXD shaft cover has two unique convex shapes inside that connect to the base. Given the design of the JLXD , an original Sanwa or Sanwa JLF compatible shaft cover will not fit the JLXD 's unique shaft base.  It appears that Sanwa-compatible dustwashers will work, however.

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